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Munck Referencer 260619
  • Denmark’s biggest district heating project

  • Horsens Fjernvarme is the biggest Danish district heating project in recent years. Contractor Munck Forsyningsledninger has a major role to play in this project, which involves the simultaneous installation of district heating in several locations in the town. Munck depends on the on-time removal of non-usable soil and the delivery of new materials.

    Our partnership with Kloster A/S makes it possible to complete this difficult puzzle. Kloster is a modern, service-minded haulage company that has completely lived up to our collaborative requirements.

    Søren Hesselbjerg / Munck Forsyningsledninger

Milton Huse Reference 260619
  • Kloster is available with just a few hours’ notice

  • At Milton Huse, we operate to a tight planning schedule, which means that it is crucial that our numerous partners should be flexible, precise, efficient and, on occasion, available with just a few hours’ notice.

    We are very satisfied with our partnership with Kloster A/S and can only give them our warmest recommendation.

    Søren Rehnquist / Milton Huse A/S

Colas Vejen Frem Reference 260619
  • The best recommendations for Kloster A/S

  • It was with a certain excitement that we contacted Kloster A/S towards the end of 2017 to hear if it would be possible to enter into a partnership. Mads was keen on the idea and we agreed that we wanted to build our partnership on transparency and honesty, as a win-win situation for both companies. The agreement fell into place and our collaboration began on 1 April 2018. We are very pleased with this partnership, which has developed to cover all our transport and logistical requirements, crushing, the purchase and delivery of materials and hourly-based temp work if we are short of a machine operator. All these tasks have been performed to perfection on a daily basis. 

    Jacob / Colas i Horsens

Daka Secanim Reference 260619
  • Kloster never says “no”....

  • Since 1979, Kloster A/S has performed many different tasks on Daka’s behalf. Our long-lasting, uninterrupted partnership speaks for itself about our satisfaction with Kloster as a supplier.

    We see plenty of flexibility and willingness to accommodate. The required tasks are performed in a manner that is professional, efficient and focuses on the customer.

    Our experience has very much been that Kloster never says “no”.

    Jesper Visby / Daka Denmark A/S

Kolding Havn Reference 260619
  • A flexible partner

  • In recent years, Kolding Havn has been a harbour that has seen growth in goods volume and ship stopoffs, which is very much due to the efficient management of the ships that stop off here. To keep costs down, ships need to be processed quickly, which is why we employ Kloster A/S when our own cranes are fully booked. This is a flexible solution that benefits both customers and shipping companies, allowing them to avoid spending more time waiting at the harbour than necessary. We are very happy with our partnership with Kloster A/S and can only give their flexible crane solutions our warmest recommendation.

    Anders Vangsbjerg Sørensen / Kolding Havn

Boligbeton Logo Referencer 260619
  • Qualified team

  • Working together as partners for many years, we have been able to improve in leaps and bounds our manufacturing, management and transportation of concrete elements in all shapes and forms. This has been a healthy and open process, which has resulted in a precise and professional setup that not only benefits us, but has been particularly beneficial to the construction sites we supply. 

    Kloster A/S delivers the full package. They are a flexible and adaptable supplier, who always have a solution when we ask them.

    Tom Kristensen / Boligbeton A/S